Second World Congress of Comparative Economics
Evgenia Polyakova and Victor Rudakov presented reports in the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics, which took place on June 15-17, 2017 in the Saint Petersburg in HSE.
Congress was held with support of The European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES), The Japanese Association for Comparative Economic Studies (JACES) and The Korean Association for Comparative Economic Studies (KACES) in collaboration with the Italian Association for Comparative Economic Studies (AISSEC), The Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), The Chinese Economists Society (CES), The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE).
Evgenia Polyakova presented a report on the joint with Larisa Smirnykh research "The Foreign-born Individuals on the Russian Labor Market (RLMS HSE)".
Victor Rudakov presented a report on the joint with Sergey Roshchin and Igor Chirikov research "Non scholae, sed vitae discimus? The Impact of Academic Achievements on Wages of Russian Selective University Graduates".
Andreas Woergoetter (TU Wien) presented a report on the joint with Larisa Smirnykh research "The Importance of Institutional and Organizational Characteristics for the Use of Fixed-Term and Agency Work Contracts in Russia".
The full program is available on the congress website.