23rd SASE Annual Conference
23 июня Елена Кобзарь, Инна Мальцева и Степан Ермаков выступили с докладами на 23-ей ежегодной конференции Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) "Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes" в Мадриде.
Сотрудники ЛИРТ Елена Кобзарь, Инна Мальцева и Степан Ермаков приняли участие в проходившей с 23 по 25 июня в Universidad Autonoma de Madrid 23-ей ежегодной конференции Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) "Transformations of Contemporary Capitalism: Actors, Institutions, Processes".
Елена Кобзарь представила доклад "Minimum Wage as Labor Market Institution: A Russian Example".
The research, based on data of the Federal state statistics service of the Russian Federation for 2003-2007 examines the influence of minimum wage (MW) magnification on employment and unemployment, scales of informal economy on regional level, reveals the regional divergence in dynamics of employment, informal employment, unemployment. At this time the attempts have been undertaken to move up to decentralized model of setting minimum wage. This study is aimed to analyze the experience of setting subfederal minimum wage by regions of the Russian Federation, interaction of decision about setting subfederal minimum wage, its size, coverage, indexation with the situation on the regional labor market.
Инна Мальцева выступила с результатами исследования "Within-Firm Gender Segregation: Sources and Consequences". Презентация к докладу (англ. яз.).
The paper studies the sources of gender segregation on the within-firm level and its effect on gender wage gap. In compare to numerous of papers devoted to gender segregation, this research is based not on the national database but on the unique personnel data from one of the Russian industrial firm for the period from 2002 to 2006. We show that the internal labor market of analyzed firm is characterized by stable gender segregation that has two sources: initial job assignments that can’t be identified as an un-neutral to gender and, secondly, by gender differences in promotion paths that are usual for male and female workers. At this firm there is both horizontal and vertical gender segregation. Our estimates show that gender segregation at this internal labor market has real effect on gender earnings gap: women earn less than men because they concentrated at the low-paid job levels and titles. Decomposition of the gender wage gap let us conclude that the differences in wages are largely driven by gender segregation between hierarchical levels rather than by workers’ characteristics. The variables included into the model explain the total earnings gap better if we control on the job titles within the levels. In this case segregation across titles works in favor of women. But influence of unexplained part seems to be stronger. So, gender differences in earnings can be determined either other factors, influenced the earnings at this firm, or different approach to estimation of the identical work of men and women.
Степан Ермаков рассказал о своей работе по теме "The Impact of Smoking on Wages in Russia".
This paper examines the influence of tobacco smoking on wages in Russia. The most rigid obstacle is a complex endogenous problem existing on different levels. Using data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) and regressions with individual fixed effect (FE) first we examine the effect of smoking intensity on wages. Understanding the effects of intensity of smoking on wages allows us to create a better story using Instrumental Variables (IV) method. After the control for endogeneity our findings show the statistical insignificance of coefficients on tobacco consumption intensity for men in Russia. On this basis we are able to assume the absence of causal explanation of the wage gap between male smokers and non-smokers. Estimates for women dont fully allow us to make the same statement but show the significant wage gain of heavy smokers. This means that smoking through the health or other causality mechanism might affect wages of women. The first part of the analysis showed the insignificance of some of the causal explanations of the relation between smoking and wages. Then its expected that after the correction for the influence of unobservable characteristics and correlation between the variable and error term the estimations for smoking effects on wages would be small or even insignificant for men, but women might have a wage gain from smoking. Using the same data from RLMS, FE and IV methods wed estimate these effects of smoking on wages.