Семинар «The Impact of Horizontal Job-Education Mismatches on the Earnings of Recent University Graduates in Russia»
18 июня в 18:10 состоится совместный семинар Лаборатории исследований рынка труда (ЛИРТ) и Центра трудовых исследований (ЦеТИ), на котором будет представлен доклад «The Impact of Horizontal Job-Education Mismatches on the Earnings of Recent University Graduates in Russia».
Докладчик: Виктор Рудаков, научный сотрудник ЛИРТ и ИНИИ ВШЭ.
This paper contributes to the literature on the determinants and consequences of horizontal job-education mismatches, an increasingly relevant topic in debates about education and labor markets. The extent of horizontal mismatch reflects the congruency of educational fields and occupations in the labor market. We evaluate the determinants of job-education mismatches and their impact on salaries of university graduates using a comprehensive and representative national level survey of Russian university graduates. The study employs a self-evaluated measure of mismatch and a statistical variant for robustness and interpretation purposes. We find that one third of graduates in Russia are horizontally mismatched and work in a job that is not related to their field of study. Moreover, graduates from fields that either generate more general human capital (social sciences, business, law, services) or where low pay is common (agriculture) are more likely to be mismatched. On the contrary, graduates from fields that generate specific human capital (e.g.: medicine) are considerably more likely to be matched. We find that mismatches negatively affect the earnings of university graduates and the higher the degree of mismatch, the higher the penalty for the mismatch. The study depicts that mismatch is penalized in the majority of fields except for low-paid ones (e.g.: agriculture). This is joint work with Hugo Figueiredo, Pedro Teixeira, and Sergey Roshchin.
Адрес: ул. Шаболовка, 26, корп. 5, этаж 3, ауд. 5309.
Язык семинара: английский.
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