Семинар «CEO Turnover and Firm Performance in Russia: the Effect of Economic Crisis»
16 июня 2015 г. состоялся совместный семинар Лаборатории исследований рынка труда (ЛИРТ) и Центра трудовых исследований (ЦеТИ) ВШЭ, на котором Ольга Лазарева (ДПЭ ВШЭ) представила доклад «CEO Turnover and Firm Performance in Russia: the Effect of Economic Crisis».
16 июня 2015 г. состоялся совместный семинар Лаборатории исследований рынка труда (ЛИРТ) и Центра трудовых исследований (ЦеТИ) ВШЭ, на котором был представлен доклад «CEO Turnover and Firm Performance in Russia: the Effect of Economic Crisis».
Докладчик – Ольга Лазарева, доцент департамента прикладной экономики ВШЭ.
The link between firm performance and CEO turnover is often considered as an indicator of properly functioning governance mechanisms: shareholders should be able to replace an underperforming CEO. This is particularly important in the emerging markets with their typically weak institutional environment and poor shareholder rights protection. In this paper we use the unique data on 355 largest Russian firms to study the link between CEO turnover and firm performance over the period of 2003-2012. We pay particular attention to the period of economic crisis in 2008-2009. While total CEO turnover has increased significantly during the crisis we find important differences between firms that were promised state support during the crisis compared to the firms that had to overcome the crisis on their own.
Исследование выполнено совместно с Сергеем Солнцевым (ЛИРТ ВШЭ).
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