Главы в монографии про аспирантуру
В коллективной монографии "Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective" вошли три главы, соавторами которых являются сотрудники ЛИРТ Ксения Рожкова, Сергей Рощин, Виктор Рудаков и Елена Кобзарь.
Rudakov V., Rozhkova K, Woldegiyorgis A., Melnyk D. Trends and Practices: The Literature Concerning Doctoral Education / in “Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective” (ed. by Yudkevich M., Altbach P., de Wit H.), SAGE, 2020
Kobzar E., Roshchin S. Russian Doctoral Education: Between Teaching and Research / in “Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective” (ed. by Yudkevich M., Altbach P., de Wit H.), SAGE, 2020
Rudakov V., Yudkevich M., Altbach P., de Wit H. Doctoral Education Worldwide: Key Trends and Realities / in “Trends and Issues in Doctoral Education: A Global Perspective” (ed. by Yudkevich M., Altbach P., de Wit H.), SAGE, 2020
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