Семинар «Назад к родителям: заработки "среднего" поколения и уход за членами семьи»
28 марта 2017 г. состоялся совместный семинар Лаборатории исследований рынка труда (ЛИРТ) и Центра трудовых исследований (ЦеТИ), на котором был представлен доклад «Назад к родителям: заработки "среднего" поколения и уход за членами семьи» (Back to Parents: Earnings of Sandwich Generation and Informal Care).
Докладчик — Елена Котырло, доцент департамента прикладной экономики НИУ ВШЭ.
Аннотация: Earnings of internal migrants and return migrants to parents’ residential area are analysed in the paper. It is hypothesised that an individual maximizes her utility by the choice of residence, working hours, amount of care giving to parents, and receiving support from parents, in particular, grandparenting. Care giving is associated with decrease in working hours, whereas grandparenting increases labour supply of young adults. Returns to skills in the compared groups can vary because of the residential choice, heterogeneity of the groups, and different involvement in informal care. The main results suggest that earnings of male return migrants are higher, whereas they are lower for female return migrants. However, returns to human capital are remarkably lower for return migrants. The gap in returns to human capital diminishes when taken into account potential time transfer within a family. Return migrants likely benefit from grandparenting. Earnings decrease is found in response to events that are associated with care to parents for both migrants and return migrants. The study is conducted on individual pooled data on young people born in 1974 for the period 1992-2006, Sweden.
Оппонент — Анна Миронова, младший научный сотрудник Центра семейной политики и качества жизни НИУ ВШЭ.